Вашата кошничка е празна во моментот.
dyeing and weaving the yarn
Dyeing and terry finishing
Terry cloth making
Our quality staff is our secret weapon. Our results are the result of a long-term investment in building the best team for every challenge!
Director: Dejan Stankov
Constant cooperation with several countries around the world has contributed to thinking differently and preparing to be competitive with world leaders in the field of terry products production.
We have learned how to produce consistent quality, attention to detail, fast and specific negotiation and agreement, timely deliveries and the right partnership!
We are present at all fairs for new technologies, systems and methods. We follow the latest trends in the industry.
ПовеќеBy developing and implementing the latest standards and certifications, we have managed to be competitive on a global level
ПовеќеConstant investment in new technologies, production standards and practices for better progress.
ПовеќеПретплатете се на нашиот билтен и први дознајте ги сите онлајн акции!
Ние се трудиме да бидеме што е можно попрецизни во описите на производите, прикажувањата на сликите и цените на самите производи, но не можеме да гарантираме дека сите информации се целосни и без грешки. Сите производи прикажани на страницата се дел од нашата понуда и тоа не подразбира дека се достапни во секое време.