Вашата кошничка е празна во моментот.
After placing an order for Frotirka products, in case the desired product is not available in stock – we will contact you by phone as soon as possible.Delivery is free for an amount over 2000 denars. In case, when the amount of the order is less than 2000 mkd, the buyer covers the delivery costs himself, according to the price list of the delivery company. Shipments are usually delivered within 5-7 business days.
If during the delivery the courier fails to find you at the left address and phone number, the shipment will be returned to us and we will additionally agree on re-delivery, and you pay the re-delivery cost.
If after the delivery of the products you notice that the product has certain defects, contact us at 033 411 455 and state what the problem with the product is.
The shade of color may vary depending on the quality of the screen through which the customer selects the product for purchase. Frotirka AD Delchevo is not responsible for the difference between the displayed and real color.
The online store of Frotirka provides product returns only for products ordered from www.frotirka.mk, from our Facebook or Instagram store, under the following conditions:
If the product has not been used, it can be exchanged within 5 days of arrival, together with the attached documentation received during delivery. In this case, please inform us about your request through our e-mail online@frotirka.mk, stating the reason for the return of the product.
Returning the product is possible only if the product has not been used!
If the product is sent by us in good condition, and for your personal reasons you want to exchange it for another one, you cover the shipping costs.
If after receiving the product you notice visible damage to the product, you should return it and contact us at 389 33 411 455, stating the specific problem with the product. We will do our best to replace the defective product with a new one at our expense as soon as possible.
Frotirka’s online store has the right to change the Product Return Policy. All revisions or changes will enter into force immediately upon their publication on the website www.frotirka.mk. Our product return policy is available on our website. We recommend that you review the published changes to the Return Policy each time you visit the website.
Претплатете се на нашиот билтен и први дознајте ги сите онлајн акции!
Ние се трудиме да бидеме што е можно попрецизни во описите на производите, прикажувањата на сликите и цените на самите производи, но не можеме да гарантираме дека сите информации се целосни и без грешки. Сите производи прикажани на страницата се дел од нашата понуда и тоа не подразбира дека се достапни во секое време.