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It is not always easy to understand the different symbols that indicate the way to maintain clothes, bedspreads, towels, however, it is very important to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to achieve the best results during washing and long-term use.
Each piece of clothing or terry has a label with symbols that indicate the way to maintain the product. Even though we live in an age of “smart” washer/dryers, if you follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines, it will keep it looking like new for longer.
Before you start washing, you should group the clothes by colors, materials and recommended washing temperature, and collect enough clothes from each group so that the machine does not wash half-empty.
For best washing results, empty and close the pockets and fasten the zippers before putting the clothes in the machine. Put the very sensitive pieces of clothing in a cotton pillowcase, and the pieces that are colorful, with applications, stickers and printed details, turn them inside out.
When it comes to detergents, the recommended amount of powder needed for washing different types of clothes (depending on the amount, type and degree of dirt) is usually written on the package itself. If you put too much detergent – the clothes will not be washed better. If you put too little – you will not remove the dirt from the clothes. Therefore, it is best to stick to the recommended dosage. Also, the difference is obvious when washed with fabric softener – clothes are smooth, soft, look like new and easy to iron.
Frotirka uses all the symbols to mark our high quality products. The name Frotirka is synonymous with quality, tradition, but more often also modern trends and performance in world markets.
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